Your Custom Sign Up Password
When a member registers without an invitation they will use a Sign Up password to join your organization. You can see/assign your Sign Up Password under: Admins --> Organization --> Organization Profile... within Chalk It. You can change this code at any time, just don't forget to re-print your QR code if you do so.

Creating New Members Into Chalk It Pro
If you are just getting started and have a lot of members to invite we can help! To do so follow these two steps:
1) SEND US A SPREADSHEET WITH: First Name/Last Name/Email (minimum required fields) to We will create your members for you so you can setup everything ahead of time. Once you're ready, you can ask us to email the invites or you can send out your own following step 2.
2) CREATE YOUR OWN INVITE: You can invite multiple members via your preferred method (i.e. social media or email). Follow the example template we have attached at the bottom of the launchkit (Be sure to update your signup password in the example).
When its time to create a brand new member you can use the app to create their account and send invites. In the app menu, find the Members menu item and click it.
CREATE A NEW MEMBER AND SEND AN EMAIL using the blue button. This will create a member instantly and send them an email. This is the preferred method for new signups.
JUST SEND AN EMAIL: You can skip creating the member and simply send an invitation with instructions to a personal email using the Send Email Invite button in the app.
QR CODE: In-person sign ups can scan the QR code directly from your phone, or you can SCREENSHOT, PRINT AND HANG THE QR CODE AT YOUR GYM.

Your Gym and Athlete's Previous Workout History
We currently support importing athlete data from SugarWOD and Wodify.
Additionally, if your software platform provides an export of your gym's workout history you can bring that into Chalk It Pro. Please note that as of the time of this post, SugarWOD is the only platform that allows you to export all of your gym's workouts. (See instructions for importing below)
IMPORTING YOUR GYMS WORKOUT HISTORY (See Below for individuals instructions):
Before you ask all your members to load their personal history into CHALK IT PRO, you will want to bring over all your gym's workout history.
To to get an export of your workouts from SugarWOD follow: HERE
Follow these steps...
Download the export workout history file onto your desktop. If you had multiple tracks you wish to import and they exported all of those tracks into one file, you'll want to separate the data into different files before importing into Chalk It Pro.
Open the Admins tab within your Chalk It Dashboard
Click the Tracks & Memberships tab
Create a new Track (yellow + in the upper right) or choose an existing Track you'd like to import that file to, and...
Click the Edit icon on that Track.
Choose the Import/Export Data tab (shown below)
Press the Import workouts from another system option.
Choose the file from your desktop and wait for an email from Chalk It Pro with the import results.
We're here to help. Send us an email at with questions.

Please refer to your current platforms instructions on how to export workout data from their current system. Please do not alter the files after they are sent to you. Save the file to your PC desktop
**Please note this feature is not available to be done on mobile. Individuals will have to use a browser on a personal computer to import their data.
Import steps:
1) Using a pc/laptop go to
2) Click the 3 Dot menu in the upper right of the screen.
3) Choose the Import Results From Another System option.
4) Choose the saved file from your desktop
5) Wait for the results via email.
Chalk It Pro gives you a couple great options for daily leaderboards.
Public Leaderboards: Scored workouts that you program from the Programming area will have a leaderboard added to the Chalkboard area. Athletes will be able to enter scores and share them to the leaderboard.

Private Workouts and Leaderboards: Athletes can create custom workouts and leaderboards using our CHIP codes system.
This system allows you to share and compare with remote training partners and friends all over the world that use Chalk It Pro. Create a workout and challenge your buddies. This can easily be done on PC or mobile.
Choose Workout Builder from the main menu
Create a New Workout or Search the Chalk It Pro library of existing workouts
Click the CHIP CODE + button at the bottom
Create a unique CHIP CODE

Click the 3 Dot menu in the app
Choose: CHIP CODES shared with me
Go to Daily Workout screen
Enter your score and see your private leaderboards

Chalk Talk Forums
Your daily forum for gym and private conversations.
Click the conversation bubble on the bottom of the app
Change Chalk Talk tracks
ADD Private groups


Users with a Chromecast, casting from laptop to TV.
Login to your Chalk It Pro account
Use the mouse to navigate, make full screen, enlarge text, etc...
Also Available On...

Using a Fire TV Stick:
Download the Chalk It Pro TV app from your Fire TV Stick app Store
Login to your Chalk It Pro account
Use the Fire Stick remote to navigate, make full screen, enlarge text, etc...
LIVE Feeds

1: Sign up for a YouTube channel & YouTube LIVE.
2: Once your account has been verified, your ready to go. If this is your first time LIVE streaming, this process can take up to 24 Hours.
Click the Upload button (looks like a video camera), then select, GO LIVE.
Select Webcam
Enter a Title and short Description for your Live Stream and choose a privacy setting or go to “More options” for other Advanced settings.
Click Save. Once your camera takes the thumbnail, click Go Live
3: Grab the link provided for the event and paste it into a banner on Chalk It Pro
Unless you have 1000 followers you’ll be limited to using a webcam for streaming.
With 100 followers you can unlock a static URL for your channel. That way the link for the Live events will not change.
Introductory Email Template
Here's a sample email template for you to send out to your current clients and any new members that join your gym moving forward. It lets them know you've invested in them and their success at your gym. It'll walk them through the sign up process. All you have to do is replace the YOURGYMPASSWORD portion of the email with the one you set up outlined above.
Please feel free to use this one, or put your own spin on it.
Hi {Name},
We are excited to announce that as part of your membership, we've invested in a workout and member progress tracking tool, Chalk It Pro.
We are focused on your success and promise to invest in the best tools available to ensure that's possible!
Here are some of the things you will be able to do with Chalk It Pro.
See the daily programming
Track your daily workout results
Record and retrieve your lifting, body composition and workout result history
Create custom workouts and leaderboards
Support others within our community with high fives, comments, GIFs and Chalk Talk (messenger)
Book classes
Shop the store
Join us, it's EASY!
IMPORTANT INFO YOU WILL NEED! You will join our gym by using the password: (YOURGYM PASSWORD HERE)
Follow these steps:
1. Go to the APPLE app store or GOOGLE Play store and download the CHALK IT PRO app. You can also go to for signup on the web.
2. Hit the Create an Account link at the bottom and complete the registration
3. After you register you will be asked for the gym password. Did you miss the password? SEE ABOVE!
That's it! We can't wait to have you in there!