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Beyond Strength and Endurance

By: Beyond Strength & Endurance




We haven’t spent extensive hours on the competition floor. Instead, we've spent the last 20 years in gym ownership, coaching, programming, and doing research to create kick-ass programming for your gym.






  • LONGEVITY Matters

  • LOGISTICS Matter

  • VOLUME Matters

  • ATMOSPHERE Matters

  • EXPERIENCE in Your Classes Matters


With Beyond Strength and Endurance Affiliate programming, you can choose between two different daily tracks, or mix and match according to what your members need.

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Get access to these tracks when you sign up for BS&E Affiliate Programming...



  • This track is geared more toward gyms that prefer CrossFit style training, including strength, Olympic lifting, gymnastics and energy systems modalities.


  • Training Days:

    • 6x per week: We believe in recovery days, active or full. Sunday is a great day to make up workouts you missed or rest

    • 4x per week: One of the modalities listed above + the WOD

    • 1x per week: Long, individual WOD with a partner option

    • 1x per week: Partner WOD with an individual option (this allows you to decide which day you want to have a partner WOD, versus it always being on Saturday)


  • WOD Time Domains:

    • 2x per week: 20+ minutes

    • 2x per week: 9-12 minutes

    • 1x per week: 12-15 minutes

    • 1x per week: Under 9 minutes


  • WOD Formats/Movements:

    • 2x per week: Couplets

    • 2x per week: Triplets

    • 2x per week: 4+ movements

    • Weekly format will include a balanced mix of AMRAPs, For Time, Intervals and EMOMs.

    • Training will include all of the traditional CrossFit style movements, plus fun substitutes aimed at variety and fun while providing a constantly varied stimulus.


  • Scaling/Modifications

    • We do NOT believe modifications should be treated like an Excel formula. For example, ring rows should not always be the modification for pull-ups, or hanging knee raises for Toes to Bar, or pike push-ups for HSPU, etc.

    • Therefore, we provide unique options to not only meet each athlete where they are, but also take variety and equipment into consideration for a better class experience.


  • Coaches Notes

    • We believe in providing only the important information that your coaches need to help them lead a kick-ass class. We know they won’t read pages upon pages of notes, or watch videos that say the same thing as the notes.

    • At Beyond, our notes ensure your coaches know what the goal of each section of class is, and how to effectively communicate that to the members. Everything else falls under coaches’ education, which is included with our programming. It will be sent out to the owners and coaches separate from the daily programming.

  • This track does not include Olympic lifting or high-skill gymnastics. Instead, the focus is on traditional barbell lifts, auxiliary exercises, core strength and building fitness through varied conditioning.


  • Training Days:

    • 6x per week: We believe in recovery days, active or full. Sunday is a great day to make up workouts you missed or rest

    • 2-3x per week: Strength training + Endurance with a focus on quality not a score

    • 2-3x per week: Strength + Auxiliary Strength

    • 1-2x per week: Long, endurance-focused training with a focus on quality not a score


  • This track is great for onboarding, beginner/intermediate to get them up to speed and gyms who prefer not to do the high skill movements.


All programming options require Chalk It Pro Full Suite or Base Pro Plan.


Best Value

Beyond Strength & Endurance



Every month

GO BEYOND better, to your very best. Programming that works as hard as you do.

Valid until canceled
14 day free trial

14 Day Free Trial.

Choose between two different daily tracks, or mix and match.

6x per week.

Workouts are a balance of AMRAPs, Time, Intervals and EMOMs.


Strength and Endurance specific track included.

Beautifully Integrated Right Into Chalk It Pro

BSE Sign Up
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